The global hospitality industry has lacked a unified code of conduct governing the actions of hospitality professionals and modulating corporate policy and processes. Given the diversity and multiculturalism of personnel operating in the industry, there is a dire need for a global code of conduct.

In response to the need, the International Hospitality Institute has created the Hospitality Code of Ethics (“HCODE”) to guide hospitality companies and practitioners worldwide. The HCODE is founded on the conceptual frames below:

IHI’s Hospitality Code of Ethics for the hospitality industry includes four sections that outline the specific responsibilities of hospitality professionals:

hotel manager

Section I – Responsibility to my customers as a hospitality professional

hospitality industry training programs

Section II – Responsibility to my employers as a hospitality professional

Certified Restaurant Operations

Section III – Responsibility to my employees or students as a hospitality professional

Hotel Team Collaboration

Section IV – Responsibility to my colleagues, vendors, and other stakeholders as a hospitality professional